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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 04/20/05
APRIL 20, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:44 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Selectboard met with the Tax Collector in a Non Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) at 7:00 P.M. prior to this meeting.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of April 6, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the 8:30 PM non-public session of April 6, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the 9:10 PM non-public session of April 6, 2005, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  Brenda Ferland noted that the spelling of the name “Brio” should be changed to “Brehio”.  With all in favor, the motion carried.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that the Department has been doing a lot of meter readings and installations.  They are about one-half done with reading meters and doing repairs as they go along.  Many of the large meters are now in.  There are about 130 small meters left to do and about 65 of them will require meter pits.  Fire hydrants were flushed this week and only one was taken out of service but there are also a few others that need attention.  Dave Duquette will start replacements.   Five applications for employment were received as a result of the recent ad.

A letter was received from Jean Thompson regarding a frozen water line.  Gurney Bros. had been notified the previous day but Dave Duquette was called that morning and advised that Gurney Bros. was on their way.  It took about an hour for Dave Duquette to find the curb stop while Gurney Bros. waited.  Following a discussion there was a consensus of the Selectboard to deny the request to reimburse $100.00 from the Gurney bill for the delay as water customers cannot expect instant results in locating a curb stop in mid-winter conditions.  Dave Duquette noted that there were eight frozen lines last year and he recommended the property owners insulate their lines this summer.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that the crew rebuilt the catch basin by Olcott Lane.  Granite State Electric will be coming on Friday to hold a utility pole for additional adjacent excavation work.  There were some sinkholes on East Street; they exposed about 40’ of pipe that is collapsed.  They started sweeping the roads with the bucket loader and the contractor will begin on Monday.  The backhoe was repaired and is back in service.  All the parts have been ordered for the grader and it is scheduled for the second week in June.  The tires for the grader arrived today.  Crack sealing will start on May 16th.  They anticipate doing 36 different streets including the Old Claremont Road, North Hemlock Road, the areas off Springfield Road, Wheeler Rand Road, Hidden Valley, etc.  The six- ton limit posting signs will be taken off the paved roads starting tomorrow but he will leave some of the dirt roads posted for now (maybe until the first week in May).

The following purchase orders were submitted by Keith Weed:  1) Chip sealing in the amount of $27,400 for about two miles of road - portions of the Hemlock Road and Old Claremont Road; 2) Arthur Whitcomb, Inc. in the amount of $735.00; and 3) Corriveau for line striping in the amount of $2,277.00.  

Keith Weed requested that a workshop be scheduled to discuss highway projects.  This will include the Old Claremont Road project.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to schedule it at 7:00 pm before the next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 4th.  The regular meeting will follow and begin at 7:30 pm.   

Keith Weed attended the FEMA Emergency Management meeting last night.  He has all the paperwork that will be required for reimbursement of snow removal costs for several major storms last winter.  It must be submitted by May 29th.  This will be the last year that FEMA will be doing reimbursement for snow removal.

Police Department:  Chief Ed Smith reported that the radar sign has been out and will be moved around.  The State came in to do their annual juvenile custody compliance audit.  They make sure that everything is accurate.  Ron Greenleaf went to a federal grant seminar in Virginia, at his own expense, and came back with information that included possible building grants.  The Police Department is meeting with the Fire Department to study the data.  Grants are on a 75% federal / 25% local basis with low interest loans as well.  Chief Smith has two part-time dispatchers in training and one more coming on-board.  Officer Williams is in the second week of training at the Police Academy.  Officer Bob Kelcey will be going to the Police Academy next Friday to assist with the firearms program at their request.  The Adopt-a-Highway program will be working on cleaning up the Bellows Falls Road this Saturday from 8:00 am to Noon.  The radar sign will be set-up and a cruiser will be assigned to the area.

Transfer Station:  Robert Davis advised that last week samples were taken from the monitoring wells.  All of the material is on-site for the new retaining wall with a loading dock on one end.  On June 5th and 6th the Northeast Resource Recovery Association is having a two-day seminar about recycling and he would like permission to attend.  The Selectboard approved this request.  The Selectboard gave Bob Davis a bank bag and letter of explanation for making deposits on Saturday afternoons in the bank’s night depository.  Mr. Davis would like to discuss this procedure further.

Highway Advisory Board:  Bruce Putnam said the Highway Advisory Board submitted three reports on separate items for the Selectboard to review.  

The first item is to ask the Selectboard to accept the plan to catch and divert water properly at the Barry Metcalf property on South Hemlock Road.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the plan as recommended by the Highway Advisory Board for the Barry Metcalf drainage project.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

The second item addresses road paving projects.  The Highway Advisory Board and Keith Weed have been pleased with the injection process used last summer on the South Hemlock Road.  The Highway Advisory Board is recommending that the Unity Stage Road be paved with the emulsion injection process this year.  The Selectboard agreed.  This will be discussed further at the workshop in a few weeks.

The third item is the proposed extension of Caryl Lane.  Normand Beaudry wants to make a change.  The Highway Advisory Board feels that the project should be put on hold for now as there are some unresolved issues.  The Selectboard will await the recommendation of the Highway Advisory Board.  Dave Edkins advised that the Planning Board approved the Beaudry boundary line adjustment last night but subject to the approval of the Selectboard to layout the road extension.

Ambulance Service:  Jerry Beaudry was unable to attend this meeting.  Tom Grant reported that the service has responded to 177 calls so far this year.  The new ambulance has been delayed for two more weeks.  In lieu of the delay the company will take some money off the price of a new stretcher.  With a grant they will be able to have a new radio installed in the new ambulance.  There are several new members coming on; two will be in class starting on Monday and two are taking their exams tomorrow.  Patty Grant talked about plans for EMS week from May 15th through May 21st.  They are planning to go to the Senior Center to do blood pressure checks and talk about the importance of taking medications as directed.  They also hope to educate children to call 911 with some pass out materials.  Tom Grant noted that a majority of the police officers in Town have been trained with the AED.  They obtained two AEDs at no cost and hope to get a third one this year.  Dave Edkins would like a copy of the updated roster as it is important in terms of Workers Comp and for the Town’s records; Tom Grant will provide one.

Bomar Industries:  Richard St. Pierre met with the Selectboard a few meetings ago to explain a medical emergency that occurred at Bomar.   As a result of that incident the president of Bomar asked him to develop a contingency plan.  He discussed the matter with Tom Grant today and wanted the Charlestown Ambulance Service to know that Bomar has the utmost respect for the ambulance volunteers but they feel they need a back-up plan.  Mr. St. Pierre has talked with Golden Cross Ambulance Service in Claremont about providing such back-up service.  If Golden Cross responds and the Town’s ambulance service also responds Bomar will pay the fee to Golden Cross.  It is a safety need for Bomar.  Brenda Ferland requested a copy of the plan in writing for the record.                            

Mr. & Mrs. Walker:  Mr. & Mrs. Walker were present to find out about the posted roads but Mrs. Walker said Keith Weed had answered their question earlier in this meeting.  The posted signs will be taken off the paved roads tomorrow.

There were no Selectboard comments at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  There was no payroll this week.  Check vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Water and Sewer – Ti-Sales in the amount of $3,007.02 for water meters; and 2) Water and Sewer – EOS Research in the amount of $620.00 for equipment for the pump stations.

Contracts:  The Selectboard approved and signed a contract with MRI for revaluation services. This contract will include the abatement period in 2006, increasing the contract price from $74,000 to $79,000.     

The Selectboard approved and signed the Vision Appraisal Technology contract.  This is for the software, support, and data entry etc. that will be needed for the evaluation.

Abatements:  The Selectboard approved and signed an abatement in the amount of $406.00.  This was a billing error as the owner was billed twice.

A request was received for abatement of an ambulance charge in the amount of $129.50 because the insurance only paid a portion of the bill.  

Jon LeClair moved to approve the abatement in the amount of $129.50 for ambulance service in recognition of this person’s many years of service on the Ambulance Corp.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Elderly Tax Exemption:  The Selectboard approved and signed an Elderly Tax Exemption.

Veterans Tax Exemption:  The Selectboard denied a request for a Veterans Tax Exemption as the applicant did not meet the criteria of residency for five years.

Junk Yard Permit:  The Selectboard signed a Junk Yard Permit renewal for Mr. Wilson on Pecor Road.  The Building Inspector inspected the property and approved the renewal.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions at this meeting.

Logging Operation:  A request was received to extend the period for a logging operation under Permit No. 04461-10.  The required report will be filed no later than August 15th.  Dave Edkins explained that this is a routine procedure and the only requirement is that the request be made in writing.  Keith Weed noted that they would be crossing the bridge on the Old State Road.  He feels that a bond should be posted or an agreement made in writing in the event there are damages.  Dave Edkins felt that would be a reasonable request.    

Telephone Service:  A proposal for telephone service from Lightship was presented.  The Town’s contract with Verizon will expire this year and the cost of renewing of that contract will increase significantly.  Lightship will save the Town about $400/month.  Pat Royce and Dave Edkins met with their representative.  The Selectboard authorized Pat Royce and Dave Edkins to proceed with the negotiations with Lightship.   

Checklist Discs:  A request was received from Debra Clark, Town Clerk, to reduce the price for voter checklists on disc from $50 to $25 as the Town is now using a different computer program.  The Selectboard approved this request.  

Bakery Building:  A proposal was received from Normand Beaudry for continued work on the Bakery Building.  Both doors need to be replaced at an estimated price of $4,100.00.  Dave Edkins will check on the amount left in the budget before moving forward with the project.

Sympathy Card:  The Selectboard signed a sympathy card for the family of George Moulton who was active on the Planning Board and the community as a whole for many years.

South Hemlock Road:  Acknowledgement was made of correspondence from M.J. Flynn explaining the corrective work they will do on the South Hemlock Road paving project.  

Blueberry Hill Mobile Home Park:  Dave Edkins noted that the ark owners want to take out several old units and replace them.  They were unable to do this before April 1st because the roads were posted.  They are requesting that if they remove them by May 6th would the Selectboard consider abating the taxes on them with the understanding that the new units will be coming in right after that date and they can be taxed for a pro-rated portion of the year.  It seems like a reasonable request.   The taxes are paid to-date on all but one and it will be paid up before it is moved.  The Selectboard approved this request.

Dave Edkins reported that all matters on his list were addressed during course of the meeting.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission met last Monday night and talked about the Frizzell gravel pit visit.  The highway clean-up on the south end of Route 12 will be done this Saturday; the rain date is Sunday.  Green-up Day is May 7th and the rain date is May 8th.  The bags are in Dave Edkins’ office.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said that CEDA met last week and discussed their on-going endeavors with the development project across from the Transfer Station.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair noted that the Solid Waste Committee has not met since the last report.  

Ambulance Service – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair attended the meeting last week.  Patti and Tom Grant provided a report earlier in the meeting.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission has not yet met this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Planning Board met last night.  1) The Student Conservation Association provided the information that was needed and was granted final approval subject to the State Shoreland Protection Permit and the Septic Permit.  2) Whelen Engineering Co., Inc. got approval for additions to existing manufacturing facilities - an 85’ x 30’ addition on the northwest section of the main plant building and a 32,000 square foot addition onto Building #3 on the west side of CEDA Road.  John Olson would like the Town to consider discontinuing the north end of CEDA Road beyond the old Design Standards building; he would take ownership, would put up a gate for security and construct a hammerhead turnaround at the end of the Town road.  Any additional expansion or growth of the company is likely to occur in Charlestown.  3) The Planning Board approved the aforementioned boundary adjustment for Normand Beaudry subject to Selectboard approval of the Caryl Lane extension.  4) A boundary adjustment between existing lots of Putnam Farms, Inc. and Charles & Joanne Nash was approved.  There is no change in acreage.  5) The application of Norm and Mike Excavating, Inc. for a new building Caryl Lane was accepted as complete, subject to a revised plan showing the existing roadway, subject to the septic approval and to a written agreement with the Highway Superintendent on the Driveway Permit.  The Planning Board would like them to take a look at re-designing a single driveway in-and-out rather than a horseshoe driveway.  

There being no other business, Jon LeClair moved for adjournment.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 8:58 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland, Chair

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

                                                                Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the May 4th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)